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ERP Software as a mean for operational readiness

In the previous section we saw that within operational readiness Data management is needed to optimize the use of data  and maximize the benefit to the organization. Instead of trying to optimize the multitude of data sources on their own we discussed that it would be better to optimize the business process management which creates the data we want to optimize. The process of optimizing and holistically combining business process management is being described as enterprise resource planning. That means that by introducing ERP software into our business, we automatically come one step closer to operational readiness.

Bigger companies have invested into ERP systems since the early 90ies and many of you have heard of companies like SAP.

However smaller companies, governmental institutions or hospitals still are not using ERPs at all.

A.I. readiness means digitalization and forcing yourself to have a holistic enterprise resource planning strategy, will automatically lead to dissolve data silos and data holes. These data holes are created when certain business units are not storing data or storing them in formats other business units cannot access (paper, fax, CD). If your initial idea is that any data created should be able to be accessible theoretically by anyone at anytime, then you will be able to create a solid ERP system.

For many companies, this does not start with IT at all. The first step of creating a good ERP system is to actually write down your existing business processes and standardize them. The first step is to understand your business workflows on paper. This understanding has to be shared by all your employees. Thus in order to start building a good ERP system, ERP consultants will come into your company and sit with your employees, in order to determine how work is done in your company and how data and information is flowing through your company. Corona has accelerated this process for many companies as many people went into home office and implicit business activities and implicit agreements had to be made explicit in order to lead remote teams. Many people realized how many implicit processes the company had, until they were home alone.

If we will look back in a few years to the time of Corona, we will see that the need for business process optimization and thus the common surge for ERP systems will have boosted many companies into operational A.I. readiness.

Over this week we followed Intel and dissected A.I. readiness into three dimensions: Transformational, Operational and Foundational readiness. Then we saw how Prof. Malone from MIT divided A.I. systems into four categories: tools, assistants, peers and managers. Then we started to look closer into operational readiness and especially data management and saw today that by introducing ERP systems in your company, you automatically reach a high level of operational A.I. readiness.

I hope that this chapter gave you a good overview into what A.I. readiness is and how you can achieve it.

AI Readiness: Data Management

As we saw in the previous section, operational readiness includes many areas of your business which are not related to IT or data at all. But for today we want to focus on data management. According to oracle,

Data management is the practice of collecting, keeping, and using data securely, efficiently, and cost-effectively. The goal of data management is to help […] optimize the use of data within the bounds of policy and regulation so that they can make decisions and take actions that maximize the benefit to the organization.

That means the goal of data management is to maximize the benefit of the organization. We defined the benefit of the organization as the increase of the voice of customer (VOC), voice of employee (VOE) and voice of business (VOB).

Thus for an operational readiness you need a high-level data management strategy which optimizes the use of data to increase the VOC, VOE and VOB. As you see, this role is a highly strategic role as it combines both business, customer and employee needs together with the data domain. Any grass root approach in trying to optimize data by data source (e.g. single software products or machines) will definitely lead towards non-optimal solutions. Data management needs to be as close as possible to the CEO, if you want to achieve operational readiness.

Data management is a truly cross-sectional function within the business as it touches all areas of the business. It touches cyber security, governance, compliance and data protection. Furthermore it needs to be aligned with the foundational readiness (data infrastructure, cloud strategy) and all internally oriented and externally oriented products and services. Internally oriented services are for example human resource management software, payroll accounting software, IT service management software systems or knowledge management software systems, while externally oriented products and services are customer service management software programs, digital or physical services or products (incl. IoT) or account management and customer relationship management.

If you look at the multitude of applications, dimensions and levels we discussed over the last few days, you might understand why it is very hard for many companies to have a decent, holistic data management. Data management is still a relatively young area for many companies and you can still find many businesses with no data management at all. You often find data silos, incompatible data formats or even no (digital) data at all. In order to tackle all of this at the same time, it is important to change our viewpoint. Instead of trying to develop a holistic data management, we should look to develop a holistic business process management, because data is created out of business processes and each process step creates specific data points. Thus if we can optimize our existing business process management, we can help to create and optimize our data management, which leads automatically to operational readiness.

In the next section we will look into enterprise resource planning (ERP) and ERP software programs which holistically try to manage and integrate a business’ financials, supply chain, operations, reporting, manufacturing, and HR activities.

AI Readiness: Operational Readiness

Above we looked at Professor Malone’s four level of collaboration and saw that you can use A.I. as a tool, an assistant, a peer and a manager.

We assumed also that we would buy the A.I. application and run it via a cloud provider. However, when you want to make your own A.I. application, the needed level of A.I. readiness changes dramatically and the complexity multiplies.

For now we want to just focus on the operational readiness and we will assume, ceteris paribus, that you have a spirited and educated leader and a team willing to change. You have identified a great business case and know that this project will align with your strategy (Transformational readiness). Furthermore we assume that your IT team would be able to meet any challenges they face (foundational readiness).

What is Operational readiness?

If you want to make your own A.I. application, you need a small pre-project team to even assess what you need.  This team needs to be able to define the needed skills and map them to the existent and available skills in your company. How many times have we seen great organization chart with great skills added to some names and then it turned out that they already were working 100% on other projects for the next year. Thus there is always a difference between existing and available skills. Furthermore your pre-project team needs to tackle all legal and compliance issues. This also includes data protection and data security issues. Make sure to choose a pre-project team which is able to handle these legal issues professionally. What is your compliance manual saying to A.I. projects? How knowledgeable is your data protection officer? How well is your data security team able to asses potential threats caused by the A.I. project. How well are you insured towards incidents caused by the A.I.? I am just mentioning this as A.I. applications are very tricky and hard to handle by compliance and insurances. The nature of A.I. applications is that it is changing with the inputted data. Thus you cannot define a definite use-case as you might be able to do with a software application like Powerpoint. Also insurances have a hard time insuring a changing application. Before you start your first A.I. project, make sure to have talked to your existing insurance providers and check if you are breeching any defined clauses. 


The pre-project team also has to make sure that the project you are planning is not using one-sided or biased data. All in all, all data is in some way biased, but you don’t want to have a social media negativity storm brewing over your head, just because your pre-project team was to junior to grasp the severity of the potentially tilted data.

In the end your pre-project team needs to also make sure that your company wide project management framework is set for A.I. projects. Talk to your project management office (PMO) to request changes to your upcoming A.I. projects. I have seen in many companies that the demanded processes by the PMO were hurting young A.I. projects as they were demanding information A.I projects were not able to provide. Many companies have two tracks of project management frameworks. One for software development and one for other projects. A.I. projects are however different and thus need a third project management framework (s. previous articles).

In the following section we will find out how data and data management is involved with operational readiness.

AI Readiness: Levels of collaboration

In the text above we saw that A.I. readiness is the “Extent to which a business has the ability to improve the VOC, VOE or VOB  by using A.I.”. And according to Intel you can separate it into three dimensions: transformational readiness, organizational readiness and foundational readiness. If you are the CEO of a company, you might wonder how much A.I. you want in your company. And do you want to make it yourself or buy it? What role should A.I. play in your business? Depending on that level and the decision of “make or buy”, you can determine the depth of readiness you need in your company.

Today we are going to talk about the four levels of involvement set by Professor Malone from MIT and tomorrow we will see, how “make or buy” will change the scope of your burdens of readiness.

Level 1: Tool

Just imagine you have an auto-complete function in your word document or a smart calculation function in Excel. These maybe A.I. driven capabilities implemented in your Microsoft Office and you do not have to do anything to use it. The algorithm was developed from someone else and used other data to train the model. It also “lives” in an already existing software and you do not need to build up any infrastructure on your own.

Level 2: Assistant

Facebook for example uses AI to suggest material to users to display in their feed. This again is still a supporting role A.I. is playing and is not touching the culture of the company. If you are buying this service (maybe via an API from a SAAS provider), you might use A.I. as an assistant without actually developing it yourself.

Both level 1 and level 2 A.I. applications can be introduced in the company without a global A.I. strategy as they might just improve lower level processes and a Head or Director would be more than suited to sign off on these additional features in certain software programs.

Level 3: Peers

Using A.I. applications as a peer needs involvement from the top leadership as it is the first level which deeply is integrated in complete business workflows. Even if you buy a completely ready solution, this A.I. is going to change how you are conducting business and it will change the culture of your company. Just imagine you are an insurance company and the A.I. is paying out standard insurance claims within seconds. Humans would only work on cases which are not trivial. The profile of the people having worked in this department would change dramatically as you would only need them for the complicated things in life. Many CEOs forget that some people like repetitive jobs and that they do not like everyday excitement.

Level 4: Managers

As an example, have a look at MIT’s spin off Cogito, which offers A.I. driven managerial services. While a call center agent speaks, cogito analyzes the discussion and gives advices in real time to the call-center agent – the same way a manager would do. “Speak slower”, “Let the customer talk” are just a few advices the A.I. system will give to you. The video below shows how the software works. But as you see here, A.I. truly collaborates with humans in this level and changes the culture, how people are doing business.


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In the next pages we will look at how “make or buy” will change the level of needed readiness.

What is A.I. Readiness and how to achieve it?

Everyone talks about A.I., but when you want to do it, it seems harder than you might think. Over time many people realized that a company has to fulfill certain criteria to be able to do A.I. projects. Thus the term A.I. readiness was coined. Capgemini defines A.I. Readiness as

“Extent to which a country and its institutions & businesses have the ability to reap the benefits of A.I.”

As we learned before, the benefits of A.I. are defined as improving the Voice of the Customer (Product, Services, Customer Satisfaction), the Voice of the Business (Strategy, lower cost, higher revenue, increased stock prices or profits) or the Voice of the Employee (Employee satisfaction). That means that A.I. Readiness  is the

“Extent to which a business has the ability to improve the VOC, VOE or VOB  by using A.I.”

As there are many, many definitions of A.I. readiness, I personally like Intels approach as it is relatively easy to understand and a good starting point for you to dissect the term A.I. readiness into operational, usable terms.  Intel wrote a nice birds-view whitepaper on A.I. readiness. In this paper they define A.I. readiness on three independent dimensions.




It is important to dissect A.I. readiness to these independent dimensions, because many companies just focus on one dimension and wonder later why their A.I. initiatives are not working.

Transformational readiness includes, according to Intel, strategic leadership, educated leadership, a clarity of potential business cases and the acceptance of your organization to evolve. Even the most spirited leader will fail, if the employees themselves boycott change. Thus a big part of A.I. readiness is change management. The further the business is originally away from A.I., the more attention we have to put into change management.

Operational readiness includes all levels of management. On a governing level it covers governance, compliance, risk but also cyber security. On an operational level it builds up human resource readiness and needs to address the issue of assessing existing skills and expertise and how to fill the existing gaps. Furthermore it includes project management readiness. This includes the adaption of existing management frameworks to yield to specific software development & A.I. issues. Additionally it includes a specific focus on data management, data flow and data resource management.

Foundational readiness is the groundwork for A.I., but should only be tackled as an output of the two above dimensions. It consists of the infrastructure platform, cloud resources, data sources and software packages. Questions in this dimension might be:

Is my existing data center set up for increased network bandwidth needed by A.I.?

Do I know enough about the offerings cloud providers have? Do I know exactly how expensive cloud services would be? Do I understand the extend of services e.g. AWS offers and how much training my employees need to work with it?

Is critical data available? Do you have it labelled correctly? Is it up to date? Can you retrieve it in real time or does your database has to calculate a SQL request for 20 minutes?

Do you have people in your organization who have worked with AI software packages? Do they know which software is out there? Have they worked with e.g. TensorFlow and know how to connect it to your existing software landscape?

So, we see the foundational readiness is a product of operational and transformational readiness. In the following pages we will dive deeper into the different levels of A.I. collaboration.

What is robotics?

A few years back, my wife and I travelled to Prag where we got to know the story of the Czech writer named Karel Čapek. Interestingly in 1921 he had a play called R.U.R in which he introduced the word “robot” for the first time. Robot / Rabat has a Slawik root and means “to work”. So thanks to Mr. Capek, we use the word robot.

Normally when we talk about robots, we think of physical machines which move within an environment with a certain degree of freedom.

Since at least Star Trek, many think of Androids roaming the earth when thinking of robots, but until a few years ago, robotics arms in industrial settings (e.g. from the famous German robotics company KUKA) dominated the real image of a robot. Mobil robots as Honda’s ASIMO in the early 2000s already gave us a small vision of what the future might bring. In robotics the year 2004 can be seen as the starting point of the symbiosis of AI and robotics as improvements in sensors and the use of new machine learning algorithms seemed to make robots much smarter. Some of you might remember the grand DARPA challenge when DARPA challenged the world to build a self-driving car to successfully finish a course of 142 miles. Many years no car could ever achieve this, but in 2004, by adding artificial intelligence for image recognition and sensing, the challenge was won for the first time.

Self-Driving Cars

We see the development of a robot / A.I. symbiosis nowhere better than in self-driving cars. Tesla has a clear vision to reach full automation of its cars in all weather conditions and circumstances (e.g off-road, rush hour). This is considered a “level 5 autonomy”.

But today most of the cars have already level 1 and level 2 autonomy in their cars. This means that your car probably already supports you smartly in parking or some driving tasks (e.g. blind spot supervision, collision detection). Many people think that they do not have A.I. in their car unless it is fully autonomously driving but that is not the case. You would be amazed how much computing power and artificial intelligence goes into a robust and effective collision detection.

Level 3 autonomy is not allowed in Europe at this point. Level three means that the car is driving by itself but with human monitoring. Level 4 can already be seen on the streets in California, where cars have reached full automation in specific circumstances (e.g. driving during sunshine with no rain or fog). Level 5 would be a self-driving car which would be able to drive during fog in London, but also during rain in Rome and during rush hour in Delhi.

Other applications for smart robots can be found in factory robotics, warehouses or generally performing physical services (from delivery to elevators). As the prices for robots have been falling by more than 60% since 1990, more and more people are able to use them. Thus the growth of the robot market has been more than tripled since the famous DARPA challenge in 2004. 

What is NLP (Natural Language Processing)?

Before we start talking about NLP, I have to clear up a wordly confusion. Since the 70ies, the term “NLP” was used to talk about neuro-linguistic programming. This is a pseudo-scientific method which borrows aspects from psychotherapy and communication theory and makes bold statements on “how to read and program people”. Although there is no real scientific validity to its approach, it is still widely used in training especially for sales employees. However, the NLP we want to talk about is natural language processing.

Natural language processing helps to make everything “text-based or voice based” smarter. Just think about the voice recognition when you call a hotline. Or the use of Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri. These are classical examples of voice recognition and voice recognition is seen for many as a very good example for a human-machine interface. Humans interact with each other via voice and thus using voice recognizing algorithms enhance the feeling of “naturally interacting”. But NLP does not just cover voice recognition.

Think about your spam filter in your email account. How does that work? Text classification algorithms decide if an email is spam or not. Furthermore there is another very popular use case in text classification. It is the so called sentiment analysis. Its sole purpose is to determine, if a text has a positive or negative connotation. Imagine you want to know, if people on Twitter like your new product or not. Then you would analyse all tweets naming your product using these text classification algorithms. Previous ideas of clustering by positive or negative adjectives never really showed true reliability, because humans like to play with their words and also use negative words to express positive feeling or humor together with emoticons to express the exact opposite (e.g. “this game is bad a**” or “so good *wink*”).

Another usage of NLP is language modeling or text generation. These models help to create new texts or documents or automatically create tags, headlines, hashtags out of given texts. Something similar is caption generation. It uses pictures or videos and then either describes the content of a scene for the blind or subtitles a video for the deaf or for foreign viewers. Subtitles for foreign viewers however also includes another application of NLP: machine translation. Machine translation is the art or skill to automatically translate text from one language into another. There are many more applications of NLP, but in the end I would like to mention one application which has caught a lot of attention: chat bots.

Many companies rush to research on chat bots as they allow to completely circumvent the usage of human driven call centers. Chat bots are always online, never tired and there is no need to wait for them and listen to tedious music for hours. The basic function of chat bots is to understand written questions (on websites) or voiced questions on telephone hotlines and to be able to keep up a “natural” conversation with a human customer.

There are so many more applications of NLP, but I hope that this brief text could give a short overview of what is possible with NLP.

AI Podcast “Pocket Guide AI”

Listen to interesting guests and international panelists form all over the world discussing topics in AI.

These episodes are recordings of the weekly AI Luncheon. This luncheon takes place every Tuesday from 12.00 – 12.30 (Berlin time).

If you want to join us live, contact Ansgar Bittermann via LinkedIn.

Slicing AI – What is artificial intelligence?

To be honest, it is not easy to define it and you will find hundreds of different approaches. In this article we are trying a clean bottom up approach by dissecting the term “artificial intelligence”. Well, the word “artificial” is  straightforward to be defined, meaning something that doesn’t occur naturally. By contrast, “intelligence” has been defined in many ways for the last hundred years in scientific circles. One good definition, by the psychologist Howard Gardner, focuses on problem-solving:

Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings” (Gardner 1983).

Based on the above definitions, we could define A.I. as

a non-natural system that has the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings.

But based on this definition also programs like Excel could be considered A.I., because Excel has the ability to solve problems which are valued within our society. To make a distinction between Excel and true A.I., we will add one more component – learning. In comparison to “normal” software programs artificial intelligence has the ability to change and become better, the more data it is fed. It means, it is adaptable or as Darwin put it, it is fit. Many people mistake the meaning of fit (survival of the fittest) as strong, but in reality Darwin used fit in the meaning of adaptable. So our new definition of A.I. will be

a non-natural, adaptable system that has the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings

So A.I. systems solve problems or creates products by learning. This learning is triggered by new data being fed into the system.  But Gartner also added that the problems the intelligence solves or that the products the intelligence creates need to be valued within a cultural setting. This addition to mostly found A.I. definitions adds the component of value. What does that mean for using A.I. systems within our businesses?

For our businesses it means that they generally create “value” for the company. Value for a company, however, can have three characteristics or forms:

  • It can be valuable for the customer (e.g. better service). This is also known as Voice of Customer (VOC).
  • It can be valuable for the employee (support of their work). This is also known as Voice of Employee (VOE).
  • It can be valuable for the business itself (support of strategy, increase of revenue, decrease of costs). This is known as Voice of Business (VOB).

In summary, A.I. systems have to increase either the VOC, VOE or VOB.  If they are not, they are not considered A.I. systems. This extended definition of A.I. puts well-meant pressure on us to firstly define a true business case before we start A.I. projects.

Now that we have it defined for ourselves, we want to add one more distinction, because that confuses a lot of people. Especially when Hollywood talks about A.I., it showcasts mostly “general A.I.”. General AI refers to machines with the ability to solve many different types of problems on their own, like humans can. General A.I. is the holy grail of A.I. research, but you can be sure, we are still a number of years away from general A.I. What you are probably going to discuss in your A.I. scoping workshop are narrow A.I. applications. As Kiron, 2017, puts it, narrow A.I. is defined as “a machine-based system designed to address a specific problem (such as playing Go or chess)”

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is impacting many companies and changing dramatically many industries. Machine learning is based on algorithms that can learn from data without relying on rule based programming. I remember back in my university days where we tried to use immensely rule-based software programs to tackle understanding language. Besides many scientific papers with little outcome, it proved to hit a wall no-one really could break-through. In 2007 Fei-Fei Li, the head of Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence Lab (Fei-Fei Li, the head of Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence Lab) had a breakthrough idea on how to tackle “intelligent” tasks differently. This triggered the Third Wave of A.I. which became visible for the public when IBM’s Watson won Jepardy in 2011. Roughly at the same time also Apple’s SIRI appeared. With this third wave, terms like deep learning, cognitive computing were coined are the world seems to become a bit smarter. This trend seems to accelerate every year, because these models can use more and more data which people and machines accumulate. Furthermore the computational resources at your disposal are vast and relatively inexpensive.

But what does machine learning actually entail?

Very roughly for businesses you can group machine learning in two groups:

  • Predicting
  • Sensing

For many people “predicting” is the first thing coming to mind, when thinking about machine learning. Businesses use predicting algorithms to predict losses when giving out loans or insurances, others use these algorithms to predict anomalies in the future which might occur in their machines or in fields of predictive maintenance, companies try to find out when to service their machines to prevent floor-work shutdowns. Another big area of prediction is the field of recommendation engines, where companies like Netflix or Amazon try to predict what you want to watch or by. Netflix’ recommendation engine brings in the most revenue for the whole company. So it is of highest importance to suggest movies which people actually would want to watch. To just add a little bit of math to this article: For predicting losses, we would try to use smart classification algorithms which would try to label each person if they fall in the group of “paying back loan” or “not paying back loan”.

Sensing on the other hand mostly deals with everything related to hearing, smelling, touching or seeing, while seeing is the most used-case of today. Terms like “image recognition” or “image analysis” are used here. When Facebook or Apple detect your face in a photo or label a picture “person with tree”, then image recognition is in play. Just a fun fact for image recognition: The iris flower data set is the most studied object by A.I. beginners. It had its beginning already in 1936! For more information read this lovely trivia article on Wikipedia.